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Saturday was a great day for shooting.  We were treated to blue skies and puffy white clouds all day.  Conditions were almost summer like, with steady winds from the south giving the usual pick ups and let offs but no reverses.  Many were shooting with two to three minutes of left wind.  Miss Ashlyn Kliebert put a wooping on the F-TR boys.  (Again).  Ashlyn fired a very nice 576-10x.  Ted Torres was second in class with his 558-13x.  In the Open class, Mark Miller shooting “David” the Giant Killer (6-BR) was tops with his 593-21x day.  Joe Bougard who is quickly learning this game was second with 581-17x.   On the Prone side, Norman Bennett was the ‘leader in the clubhouse’ with his 556-9x.  In the combined Master/Expert class Buck Kliebert was first day leader with 584-17x, followed by Mike Liuzza’s 579-15x.  The High Master prone class was led by Gary Henry with 594-32x, followed by Kenny Porter’s 589-18x.  The HM class was filled with drama both days.  Competition was very close, as it should be as all of these guys are very good.  After the gun smoke had cleared, we all feasted on barbequed pork (cooked by Gary Henry and his famous smoker), coleslaw and drinks and snacks.  Saturday’s cash drawing winner was Kenny Porter, who took home a crispy Benjamin, along with a bunch of my money for his great gunsmithing work.




Sunday skies were low hanging dark clouds with the threat of rain, which thankfully never materialized.  There was no mirage to speak of, so it was a wind flag day, but at least it was cool.  Norman Bennett continued his lead in the prone Marksman class with 549-11x, as did Buck Kliebert in the Master/Expert class.  Mike Liuzza kept his place also, finishing second for the day with 580-24x.  The High Master drama continued again Sunday.  Bill Jenkins and Kenny Porter tied for high score of the day with identical 592-28x’s., followed closely by Rob Westfall with 591-35x.  Shaun Sanford led the F-TR shooters with his 564-12x, followed by Ashlyn Kliebert and her 561-9x.  Mark Miller got even better Sunday, posting a fine 594-28x score to lead Joe Bougard (591-25x) and Donald Conner (592-20x).  Donald made a big jump on Sunday, increasing his score from Saturday by 32 points.  Keep an eye on him in the future.




 Gary Henry is Prone Regional Champion, and took home the gold medal.  Gary’s score was 1181-61x.  The Silver medal went to Kenny Porter of Lake Jackson, Texas who also shot 1181, but with 46x. Bronze went to Bill Jenkins who was close behind with 1179-56x.  Class winners were Buck Kliebert in Master/Expert with a nice 1172-37x.  Second was Mike Liuzza with 1159-39x.  Norman Bennett was first place in the Marksman class with 1105-20x.  The drama mentioned above included a HM contender cross-firing on Saturday, along with another contender having two bullets blow up on their way to the target.  On Sunday another contender also had a cross-fire.  It got very interesting. 


There was no drama in the F-Class Regional Championship race.  Mark Miller dominated both days and deservedly so.  His was the highest score posted for the weekend in any category.  Mark, shooting one of the smallest cartridges showed once again that accuracy and wind reading are the twin pillars to good scores.  Congratulations to all the winners, and a big thank you to all of our competitors.  Our next big two day match will be the State Championship on October 3-4, 2009.  Our next monthly match will be Saturday June 6.


A special thanks to Palo Alto R&P club for the excellent facility, and to Carolyn Russell and Vicky Billiot-Miller for running the stat house and scoring. Thanks also to Gary Henry for the great cooking, and thanks to all those who worked diligently behind the scenes over the past few weeks to make this all possible.









Bill Jenkins        197-10  198-12  192-6    587-28              197-8    197-13  198-7    592-28              1179-56x           Bronze             

Bob Jenkins      195-10  199-8    176-6    570-24              186-6    195-11  189-4    569-21              1139-45x

Rob Westfall      188-12  198-7    200-8    586-27              199-14  196-11  196-10  591-35              1177-62x

Kenny Porter     197-7    196-4    196-7    589-18              198-10  196-8    198-10  592-28              1181-46 x          Silver    1st HM

Gary Henry        196-10  200-10  198-12  594-32              200-13  197-9    190-7    587-29              1181-61x           Regional Champion



Emmett Roan    183-4    193-4    191-6    567-12

Buck Kliebert     196-4    194-5    194-8    584-17              195-6    196-7    197-7    588-20              1172-37x           1st MA/EX

Mike Burke        187-6    194-6    187-6    568-18              191-5    197-4    194-5    582-14              1150-32x

Mike Liuzza       193-5    193-3    193-7    579-15              194-9    196-5    190-10  580-24              1159-39x           2nd MA/EX

Rob Stevens      192-5    189-3    194-8    575-16              198-8    190-9    189-7    577-24              1152-40x

Richard Bordelon                                                           192-4    187-6    192-3    571-13

Dave Polan                                                                    190-4    189-6    182-2    561-12

Angelo Spagnola                                                            185-3    187-6    176-3    548-12



Norman Bennett 190-3    185-5    181-1    556-9                179-2    188-6    182-3    549-11              1105-20x           1st MK

Gerald Liuzza    166-1    168-1    176-0    510-2                153-0    168-0    166-2    487-2                997-4x

George Fournet  169-0    168-0    175-1    512-1





Paul Mills          187-2    191-3    186-1    564-6                190-6    190-4    193-9    573-19              1137-25x

Lyle Soniat        195-1    191-0    185-0    571-1

Mark Miller        200-9    196-3    197-9    593-21              199-9    199-10  196-9    594-28              1187-49x           Regional Champion

Donald Conner   192-2    185-2    193-6    570-10              198-6    196-4    198-10  592-20              1162-30x

Joe Bougard      194-5    195-8    192-4    581-17              198-8    197-7    196-10  591-25              1172-42x           1st F-Open

John Bartus       199-8    192-4    193-5    584-17



Ted Torres         189-6    187-6    182-1    558-13

Shaun Sanford   188-4    187-3    172-1    547-8                190-4    190-3    184-5    564-12              1111-20x           2nd F-TR

Jim Street         183-3    183-3    179-0    545-6                183-2    178-1    190-4    551-7                1096-13x

Bryan Richman  180-1    172-1    182-2    534-4                182-1    181-2    185-2    548-5                1082-9x

Ashlyn Kliebert  194-3    196-3    186-4    576-10              186-2    186-3    189-4    561-9                1137-19x           1st F-TR

Pictures from the match:

Spring Regional picture
1st F-Open Joe Bougard

Spring Regional picture
1st F-TR Ashlyn Kliebert

Spring Regional picture
1st MA/EX Buck Kliebert

Spring Regional picture
1st MK Norman Bennett

Spring Regional picture
F Class Regional Champion Mark Miller

Spring Regional picture
Prone Bronze Bill Jenkins

Spring Regional picture
Prone Regional Champion Gary Henry

Spring Regional picture
Prone Silver Kenny Porter

Spring Regional picture
2nd F-TR Shaun Sanford

Spring Regional picture
2nd MA/EX Mike Liuzza

Spring Regional picture
Your 2009 Spring Regional Champions

Spring Regional picture

Spring Regional picture

Spring Regional picture

Spring Regional picture

Spring Regional picture