RIMFIRE PRECISION MATCH This match is held on the fourth Sunday each month, check the club calendar for dates. Cody Tudor 225-276-7436 and Walter Gauthreaux 225-413-4088 match directors.

MID-RANGE PRONE MATCH This match is held every 1st Saturday of the month and consist of three 20 shot matches with 2 sighters at 600 yards. Match director: Jerry Boudreaux 225-571-3621 or Joe Mistretta 225-717-1279

XTC MATCH The Across The Course Match is an 80 shot match held every 3rd Saturday of the month. Firing is done in accordance with the Regional Match Course format. It is held on the 600 yard range. Match director is Jay Meynier 504-833-0904.

FIELD PRECISION RIFLE MATCH This match is held every 2nd Saturday of the month and consist of three 20 shot matches with 2 sighters at 600 yards. Match director: Glen Padgett (225) 266-7619)

RIMFIRE 100 CHALLENGE This match is held on various Sundays each month, check the club calendar for dates. Contact Chuck Cazenave 504-559-7200

ARA RIMFIRE This match is held on various Saturdays each month, check the club calendar for dates. It is held at the 100 range. Contact Kelly Cousins at 504-881-0029

PRONE/F-CLASS/BENCH RIMFIRE All matches are fired at 50 & 100 yds. using NRA approved targets,.22 rimfire only. Course of fire is 120 shots for record with un-limited sighters in 20 minutes. For more information, contact Match director Richard Bordelon