Palo Alto Rifle and Pistol Club
1393 Hwy 943 North
Donaldsonville, LA 70346
(mailing address: PO Box 248 Baton Rouge, LA 70821)
Who are we?
Chartered in 1940 as the Baton Rouge Rifle and Pistol Club, the first official range was located in Baton Rouge near Bluebonnet Blvd. and Perkins Road. As the city expanded the club was forced to move its’ shooting facility and in 1982, 32 acres was purchased near Plains, La. Activities continued there until March of 1997 when population growth again forced the club to look for a new location. It was not until September of 2001 that a suitable location was found. On September 11, 2001 Baton Rouge Rifle & Pistol Club started doing business as Palo Alto Rifle & Pistol Club. A lease was signed on October 8, 2002, for 37 acres located on Palo Alto Farms, in Ascension Parish near Donaldsonville. Ground breaking for the new facility occurred January 14, 2003 and the dirt work was completed and concrete firing positions were up in two weeks.
The facility consist of a multi-purpose 15 point 30 meter pistol and small bore rifle range, a 20 point multi-purpose 100 meter rifle range and a full 600 yard “across the course” rifle range complete with elevating targets and target pits. All ranges have covered firing points and the 600 yard range has firing positions and a shooting table at 200, 300, 500, and 600 yards.
The range is constructed to strict specifications with safety being the main objective. All ranges are designed to operate independently of each other.
The main purpose of the range is to promote the shooting sports, the education of the new as well as the experienced shooter as to the safe handling and proper use of firearms with the emphasis being on safety.
The club is a private, non-profit corporation which is open to members and their guests seven days a week. The range will only be open to the general public for NRA sanctioned matches and for designated public sight in days prior to the hunting season. The facility will also be made available to organizations such as the Boy Scouts of America and other non-profit organizations who would be interested in putting on shooting and firearm related safety programs and events. It will also be made available to conduct hunter education and concealed carry courses, as well as to local law enforcement for training purposes.
Membership dues are $150 per year with a one-time $100 initiation fee. Junior memberships are available. Limited guest privileges are available to members only. The fiscal year is from April 1st to April 1st. Before a new member is allowed to shoot on the range they must first receive a range safety orientation.
If you'd like to join the Palo Alto Rifle and Pistol Club, click on the bullet: